TC-Choppers handlebars 1 inch (2 54 cm) triple Chrome plated
Changing the handlebars is the easiest way to change the look of your motorcycle.
For each model there are several triple chrome plated handlebars available for both early (thru 1981) as
well as late (1982 to present) models. Late models have dimples for the wiring.All handlebars have Mandrel bends, your guarantee for perfect symmetrical looks and a constant diameter throughout
the bar. More difficult to make but worth it, because of their rich, smooth show bike appearance
End Rise- Width - Center Width - Pull Back
- 096003 Stock Style no dimples (24 cm) (70 cm) (12 cm) (24 cm)
- 096014 Custom Low no dimples (15 cm) (76 cm) (20 cm) (35 cm)
- 096001 Custom Low with dimples (15 cm) (76 cm) (20 cm) (35 cm)
- 096013 Custom Medium no dimples (14 cm) (88 cm) (20 cm) (19 cm)
- 096006 Custom High no dimples (33 cm) (88 cm) (23 cm) (20 cm)
- 096009 Custom High with dimples (33 cm) (88 cm) (23 cm) (20 cm)