TC-Choppers gas tank one piece stretched dash & speedo kits 1982 - 1994 Sportster
one piece stretched tank, dash & speedo kits; Fits 1982 thru 1994 Sportster
Custom style one piece stretched gas tank with tank mounteddash. This tank gives your Sportster the popular long,slippery stretched look and flowing lines. The tank mountedFat Bob dash kit adds the Big Twin look. This very completekit includes the gas tank, with your choice of Screw-In stylegas caps or Quick Cam flush mounted locking gas caps, achrome plated 3 light dash complete with dash base plate,speedometer in KPH with reset knob, speedo damper rubberand 6 post Fat Bob ignition switch. The stretched section isnot a weld-on part but an integral part of the tank and hasa seat pocket to match with most narrow seats, such asour Silhouette seats. Tank holds approx. 3.4 gallon of fuel(13 ltr.).
its 1982 thru 1994 Sportster models.
part numbers:
011612: Stretched gas tank with dash kit and dual Screw-in style caps (style B)
011613: Stretched gas tank with dash kit and dual Quick-Cam lockable flush mount gas caps (style D)