TC-Choppers Bobber Four Black Fits: > 1 inch handlebar clamps
Bobber Four Black Fits: > 1 inch handlebar clamps
Top quality handlebars are precision made in the Netherlands from 1" (25.4mm) heavy gauge steel tubing. Dimpled bars have indents to give space to route the handlebar switch control wires on 1982 to present Harley-Davidsons. Non-dimpled bars do not have this feature
8.5" (22cm) rise Windows handlebar
B=23cm, C=72cm, D=22,5cm, E=27,5cm, F=15cm, G=9cm
755708: 8.5" rise Windows handlebar, Black powder coated, dimple style A
755709: 8.5" rise Windows handlebar, Black powder coated,NO dimple